Thursday, May 21, 2009

A confession (for Sarah B :)

The truth is out. I am a terrible blogger. It has been almost 3 months since my last post, and that really is rather unfortunate since a lot happened in those last 3 months. I am now an alumnus of Eastern New Mexico University. I wanted to put the word "finally" there at the end of the previous sentence, but the last 4 years really went by so fast that I don't think it would be appropriate. And the word finally implies endings, but it's really just a beginning.
As it is late, I think I shall sign off by leaving my dear reader(s) with a poem/song/thing that I think I wrote, but I'm not sure when. I found it a few evenings ago and it expresses my sentiments well for the present time.

The stately garments of the trees
Their branches outspread wide
Sing the praise of their Creator
The regalia of the flowers
Their scent cleansing the air
Display the caring affection of their Maker

There are miracles all around
There is beauty in this earth
A dim reflection of its Master's glory
Just open the eyes of your heart
You'll never have far to look
To see the majesty of our Lord

Standing on the edge of nowhere
Looking out across vast space
Smiling stars tell of God's greatness and his Grace
The tiniest neuron
Is yet so complex
It declares His awesome wisdom and power.

And He calls to my heart
And He makes it his own
I belong to him, and my life is in his hands
How could I not trust Him
When all around the world
His sovereignty is shown?