Friday, January 16, 2009

Hello to the blogging community :)

Well, it seems that blogging has caught back up to me. Or that I have caught back up to blogging. Not really sure which of us was behind, but in whatever case, we're going to try to keep in step a little better now.

For anybody who doesn't know me that may stumble across this blog, I'm a university student finishing my last semester of school in CowTown, USA, studying mathematics, and working as an R.A (resident assistant). Sounds crazy, yes, but I know of quite a few others who have lived to tell the tale.

You may or may not be wondering about the name of my blog. Piracy is quite the thing these days between Pirates of the Caribbean and downloading music illegally. However, (and this is probably completely unoriginal) I wanted to make it known that my life is lived in pursuit of an actual Treasure. Not money or fame or _____ (you fill in the blank), but the greatest Treasure there ever has been, that is, Jesus Christ. As any follower of His knows, it is difficult to use language to accurately sum up what he means to the world, but He has bridged and continues to "bridge the gap" between us and His Father who has the power to condemn us if we in our depravity refuse to cross the bridge or welcome us as His children as He opens our eyes to see His radiance and we come to Him. So, in essence, I am a treasure hunter, but that's where the similarities between myself and a pirate stop because I don't pillage and plunder.

So, this is who I am, and I'll try my best to maintain this blog while I'm going through my (hopefully) last semester and try my best to keep my sanity :).
God bless!

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