Thursday, October 22, 2009

I've arrived...

I'm finding that stress is a fuel for my writing. Right now, I'm suffering a little from a lack of stress as I try to figure out how to communicate what this day was like. I started out a lot more emotional than I've been in quite a while, partly because of the anxiety I felt about what the outcome of this process would be (though it really was quite minimal as I really was feeling God's peace pervading and assuring me that He's in control), partly because of the serious lack of sleep, and mostly because of the process I've been brought through. A lot of things that were said or done throughout the week have been really freeing in so many ways. I can't really describe it, so I'll leave it at that.

We began our day at World Team Headquarters with a focus on God's peace and joy, and the importance of bringing those things into the rhythms of our lives. We followed by talking about the various outcomes of our time at RACE. Our options include the following 3:
(1) you are a valuable person and this is in no way a reflection on you as a person but just in relation to World Team (which they say before everyone of the results), but we just don't feel like you are a good fit with World Team,
(2) we think you could be a good fit with World Team, but there are some areas we'd like you to work on and then come back through RACE,
(3) we think you are a good fit with World Team and we'd like to extend to you an invitation to join us.
The moment of truth finally came and Desma and Linda pulled me back to the same room I'd been interviewed by them in before and began saying again that these results are in no way a reflection on you as a person. By that time I was thinking the worst had come, but Linda quickly moved on to say that, "You've been invited to join World Team". I was elated and choked up and a lot of things at once. Desma shared with me a little later that she'd bawled when she heard those same words after going through RACE herself. I also heard later from one of the other assessors that Desma had been in the assessor meetings championing the cause of the introverts in the group which I thought was pretty awesome. After sharing with me some of the strengths they saw in me and going over what this invitation means, Linda gave me a list of things "to do" as I prepare now for getting on the field.

I left that room with a lot of joy and peace as I called family and then a few friends to let them know the outcome of this whole process. Later in the afternoon, I received my field recommendations. They were: Cameroon, the Philippines, and any place in need of a teacher/tutor for missionary kids. Lots to pray about.

I have to say that my reaction time is sometimes kinda slow. My interview was over by 9:30 and it didn't really hit me until 12:30 that my biggest goal was now moving very quickly towards being realized, that I'm now a "missionary appointee"... so many new things all at once. But also so many things at home that I need to figure out as I pray about whether or not I should keep the job I have now, or look at something else (and if so, what?), and lots of things that have probably not yet crossed my mind.

I also have to say that I've been really grateful for the people God brought to RACE with me. Each of us have come away from the process with peace and feeling like we've been dealt with in a lot of love and grace. There's a genuineness and "sweetness" (as Krista put it) in the investment World Team has made in our lives and in the way our team dealt with each other. If you ever get the chance to RACE, you should definitely take it.


  1. Praise God!!!! I think you will be so valuable to World Team & to where ever the Lord leads you. Love, Scott, Tammy & Girlies

  2. Whoo Hoo! I hesitate to say how good God is because He's good even if you hadn't received an invitation but HE'S SO GOOD! It's really neat to see some of these pieces coming together. I'm thrilled for you and continue to praise God for allowing me to watch and learn and see His amazing hand!

  3. PS What's the significance of a pirate? :)

  4. Hey there Kelly :),
    The answer to your question is in my very first blog from January :). Love ya!

  5. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So cool! Praise God! I am so excited for you, Alison. I know you have lots of decision making ahead of you---I'll be praying for you. What an awesome adventure God has in store for you...go for it!!!!!

  6. That is so cool!!! I cryed when I read your blog, I am a cry baby lately but that is beside the point. We will be praying for you as you start a whole new adventure!!!
